Please read this post before registering to join us

Tom Cannavan

For 25 years our forum has been one of the Internet's friendliest, best-informed places for discussion of wine. Our 'full names' policy is crucial to that: when you register, under "Username" you must enter a full first and last name - no nicknames, no single names, no funny 'handles', etc. If you fail to do this your application will be rejected.

During registration you must tick a box to say that you have read our rules and agree to abide by them. You can review the rules at any time by clicking 'Terms and rules' at the bottom of the screen., including this Forum, has been free to access since we were pioneers of the wine internet back in 1995. We appreciate all donations to its upkeep and development.


About you
Clicking on your own name top right of screen (when logged in) shows your profile. You can supply as much or as little profile information as you want, and can update your email address or password here.

You'll see an Alerts menu at the top right of screen (bell symbol). Here you'll see notifications on threads and forums you're watching, and you can manage your alert preferences from here.

These are the small pictures that appear against your posts. Add them by hovering over your own name at the top right of screen and clicking 'avatar'. We encourage everyone to use a real photo of themselves.

When viewing a list of discussion threads the larger avatar shows who started the thread, and your mini-avatar will be added if you reply to that thread. You can see at a glance which threads you have participated in.

Shown in your Inbox (envelope icon top right of screen) these are private messages between two or more members of the forum. There is no limit on the number of conversations you can retain (though very old conversations may have to be pruned from time to time for performance reasons). You can choose to have email alerts when someone replies if you wish.

If you start to write a post, navigate away, and then return to the page your text will still there. A draft of your message is saved every 60 seconds as you type (but elapses after 24 hours).

Embedded videos
You have the ability to embed video from YouTube and other sources.

Top right of the topic list in individual forum is a drop down list "Filters". Click this to choose different ways of sorting and viewing threads in the forum, including by prefix, date of posting, threads started by member X, etc.

First Unread Message
When you are viewing any single forum's starting page, such as UK Wine Forum, you will see that some threads have a 'New' symbol to the right hand side of the thread title. Hover over it for a preview of the first unread message in the thread. Click on it to go to first unread message in that thread.

Hit the ‘upload a file’ button to select a picture, pdf or text file from your own computer. Then insert as a picture or thumbnail - make sure to choce "insert full image" after your upload, as thumbnail is the default. Pictures that are too large are automatically resized.

Like and other emojis
You may show your reaction to a message. Hover over the 'Like' link at the bottom of a message, and choose your reaction emoji.

Message count
Hover over anyone's avatar (including your own) to see their message count, as well as other information like 'Member since xxxx'.

If you want to quote multiple people from ANY thread. Simply click the 'quote+' text against each post you want to quote. An 'insert quotes' button will then appear in the reply box.

New Posts
For regular visitors, note this link in the secondary menu bar at the top of the forum page. Click it and you will see all threads, from all forums, that have had new posts since your last visit.

Start a poll by starting a new thread as usual, and scroll down to the poll section.

When you start a thread, you have the option of using a number of available prefixes such as "TN" (Tasting Note) "Travel", "Food" or "NWR" (Not Wine Related). Please use these where appropriate: any time you see one in the title of a thread, by clicking on it you will filter the forum to show only threads beginning with that prefix - so all Food threads for example. A small Cancel Filter button appears at the top of the thread: click on it and the forum is back to normal.

Quotes in replies
There is a reply box at the bottom of every thread ready for you to type your reply. But at the bottom right of every individual post is a 'reply' link. Click it to quote the content of that post in your reply. There's also a 'quote+' link that lets you highlight and quote just a section of a post..

At the bottom of every post is a "Report" link. Click this and you can instantly alert the forum moderators to a spam post, or other post that breaks forum rules. If you do report a spammer, also consider replying with a simple one liner saying "post reported", so others know they do not need to act.

Hiding text or pictures from the original post, but giving a user a button to click to reveal it. This has some potentially clever uses. We’ve come up with one, a mini quiz format, but creative ideas may emerge.

WYSIWYG editor
You may add colours, bolding, underlining, indents, bullets, numbering, font size, etc. to your text if required. If you copy formatted text from Word etc. the source document formatting is normally retained.
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